Polaroid Puritans will probably shake their developing Polaroids in disgust at Poladroid, but as an amateur digital photographer, I think it's pretty cool. After a quick download and install, drag and drop your photos onto the application's camera...
Inspiring Paper Graphic: Part Two
via madebyjulene.com Handmade by Julene Harrison, http://madebyjulene.com
Inspiring Paper Graphic : Part One
via artyulia.com Handmade by Yula Brodskaya
Design It: Shelter Competition
via guggenheim.org Double G Team Up: The Guggenheim and Google are co-sponsoring a shelter competition. Only stipulation, the design must be made in Google SketchUp. I look forward to checking out the finalists, selected by current Frank Lloyd Wri...
A Chart-r-ific diagram of publishing logos
via nytimes.com
Super Mario Coco Conan
via seriouslunch.blogspot.com The members of this household are loyal supporters of Conan O'Brien and we have eagerly awaited his debut on the Tonight Show. After reading about his brand new set (http://tinyurl.com/lnqjx3) we found this Serious Lu...
Blackwater Background
via underconsideration.com More information on the Blackwater/Xe logo, thanks to "Brand New." The general outsiders' consensus is that the extreme rebranding is an attempt by The-Business-Formerly-Known-As-Blackwater to distance itself from its re...
The Peepoo Bag ... yes, THAT kind of pee & poo
via peepoople.com The name says it all: A bag designed to hold a single "serving" of numbers 1 and 2. Once full and sealed up, the bag stays odor free for 24-hours and can then be buried where it will biodegrade into high-quality fertilizer. The b...
1 + 1 = 3, According to some optimistic design students
When viewed from a certain angle, an assembly of random stuff coalesces into a message. This "alternative meeting place" was put together for the Stockholm Furniture Fair by Product Design students from Beckmans College of Design in Sweden. via ht...
Corporate Facelifts
Too many green leaves. Also, I need to find out more about the Blackwater rebrand???from Tiger claw to Xe??? via http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/31/weekinreview/31marsh.html