via The directors of Design for Democracy apply the easy-to-read Nutrition Facts box format to improve the readability of credit card "fine print."
Point: The Impotency of Graphic Design
via David Carr argues that Newsweek's recent redesign doesn't address the magazine's real problem that... "...the fight for its future probably doesn???t have much to do with bolder headline treatments and more white space in the print a...
June 1 New Yorker Cover
The latest New Yorker arrived yesterday featuring a dense, murky cover image. After checking the title ("Finger Painting" by Jorge Colombo) I thought, "Ahhh, he painted it with his fingers. That explains it!" I was partially correct. Colombo did c...
On-going topic: Visualizing Information
To start off, some of my favorite examples: * Dennis Wood, Jack-o-lantern Mapmore info:
KCRW's Design and Architecture : Interview with Sir James "the vacuum" Dyson
Dyson discusses his new blade hand dryer (I can attest from first "hand" experience that it works extremely well) as well as the importance of encouraging young students to pursue engineering and science, if they are so inclined. According to Dyso...
1981 primitive Internet report on KRON
via Via Frank Rich's column in today's Sunday Times.
Should Design Be Held Back by a Tyranny of Data?
via Another article about Douglas Bowman, who left his job as a visual designer at Google in March to become the creative director of Twitter. Bowman's move became a business/design/tech story after he wrote a post on his blog about hi...
New York City Opera Rebrand
In theory, I love this rebranding. In practice, it gives me anxiety???kind of like opera.For more visuals visit
Art historians claim Van Gogh's ear 'cut off by Gauguin'
via Hmmm... the controversy-loving art historian in me could be convinced of this.