... to a parking lot near you: Carspaze! This company recently installed a large scale ad campaign inside the garage of a mall here in LA, thanks to its development of fire retardant materials which meet strict fire code standards. This one, for Jet Blue, features actual televisions to promote the airline's in-flight viewing options. Carspaze only uses sustainable and recycled materials, so at least no trees are being harmed for this latest advertising invasion.
(Before and after shots courtesy of http://carspaze.4elbows.com)
And speaking of invasions, you can now count baggage claim conveyer belts as another fallen surface. The ad in this demo photo from DoubleTake Marketing (www.doubletakemarketing.com) doesn't inspire, but there has to be a clever designer out there who will figure out a way to take graphic advantage of the way conveyer belt panels overlap and (subsequently stretch back out) while looping around the carousel.